Area of Expertise

The Adamo & Partners law firm comprises various departments, each of which is able to provide, through the proven experience of its professionals, the assistance required by clients to protect their rights, benefiting from the interdisciplinary and transversal approach that hallmarks the work of the various divisions, working in mutual synergy.

The Firm handles the principal areas of law, working on both the contention and pre-litigation phases and out-of-court agreements, including ADR procedures (mediation-conciliation, assisted negotiation and arbitration).

Corporate and Business Law


The Firm provides support and advice for companies, both Italian and international, in the various fields of business and corporate law, guaranteeing its clients comprehensive assistance – even on a day-by-day basis if necessary – with regard to all legal matters regarding company management, both ordinary and extraordinary.

More specifically, the Firm assists its client companies in all phases of corporate life: from the incorporation of new companies, to the development and expansion of business activities; from consolidation to corporate reorganisation, including the implementation of extraordinary operations, right through to internationalisation processes, with unflagging and expert attention to the delicate dynamics of corporate governance.

In this area, the firm can offer its consolidated experience in the fields of:

  • business contracts;
  • corporate governace;
  • consultancy for corporate law (incorporation of companies, drafting of articles of association and shareholders’ agreements);
  • Merger & Acquisition (so-called M&A) transactions, also including the Private Equity sector
  • extraordinary transactions in general (capital increases, mergers, demergers, etc.).

Tax Law

The Adamo & Partners law firm offers consultancy in tax matters for both corporate and private clients, meeting their respective requirements by means of a multi-disciplinary approach and inter-departmental activities, in order to resolve issues requiring transversal legal skills, such as defence in administrative and criminal-tax litigation, assisting clients in tax inspections and audits, in the various stages of tax litigation, including the pre-litigation stage and, in general, in the various procedures for the settlement of tax disputes with the fiscal authorities, including the collection stage, providing advice on the tax implications of the principal corporate transactions of extraordinary administration, including anti-avoidance aspects.

More specifically, the Department assists clients in:

  • tax inspections and audits, formulating observations on the tax audit report;
  • responses to questionnaires from the tax authorities;
  • submission of appeals and actions for annulment in the defence of personal interests to the tax authorities;
  • assistance in the assessment procedure, including pre- or post-audit compliance;
  • assistance in alternative procedures: complaint, mediation and conciliation;
  • assistance in proceedings for the adoption of precautionary measures: mortgage and attachment, administrative detention;
  • representation and defence of the taxpayer in tax litigation, both on the merits and as a precautionary measure, before the Tax Courts of first and second instance (former Tax Commissions) and before the Supreme Court of Cassation, as well as in compliance proceedings, through the telematic procedure (Telematic Tax Process – PTT – SIGIT);
  • preparation of refund applications;
  • assistance with collection actions, both before the Tax Court and before the Ordinary Judicial Authority;
  • tax compliance, litigation-resolving institutes and cooperative compliance.

Customs and Excise Law

The Firm provides assistance and consultancy to its clients in the various areas of customs law.

More specifically, the Firm is able to offer its client companies ongoing consultancy and assistance for compliance with customs regulations, and it can advise companies on obtaining customs authorisations, AEO status, issues relating to the origin of goods, classification of goods, anti-dumping, import VAT, tariff quotas and ceilings, product safety and security, and customs audits.

The Firm can provide services of representation and defence in cases of customs litigation and disputes, as well as support in all matters concerning the resolution of litigation and during tax audits.

Labour Law

The Firm provides assistance to national and international companies and groups – operating in various sectors, such as industry, trade and finance – with respect to all matters concerning the legal management of the relationship with corporate human resources.

More specifically, the Firm has developed considerable experience in the following areas: 

  • corporate restructuring;
  • individual and collective dismissals;
  • disciplinary procedures;
  • tender contracts, principals’ responsibilities, secondments and transfers;
  • assistance in M&A transactions (for example, trade union consultation as per article 47, Law n° 428/90);
  • trade union law;
  • stock option plans and other forms of incentive, as well as company welfare plans;
  • assistance with inspections by administrative entities and subsequent litigation challenging INPS, INAIL and Ministry of Labour assessments;
  • safety at the workplace;
  • privacy e data protection;
  • conciliations, including those in a neutral venue, relating to consensual terminations of employment and amicable settlement of labour disputes;
  • litigation relating to the above-listed issues.

Criminal Law

The Adamo & Partners law firm offers comprehensive assistance in all areas of criminal law.

By means of the interdisciplinary approach that hallmarks the Firm’s operations, the Criminal Law Department provides highly specialised assistance in the area of corporate criminal law, with specific regard to fiscal, bankruptcy and corporate offences, as well as to the profiles of the administrative liability of organisations pursuant to Legislative Decree n° 231/2001.

Moreover, Studio Adamo & Partners provides assistance to its clients – both as tortfeasors and as injured parties – before the courts of merit and legitimacy in all areas of criminal law, with specific reference to:

  • offences against the public administration;
  • offences against public morality;
  • offences against family welfare
  • offences against physical persons;
  • offences against property;
  • environmental offences pursuant to Legislative Decree 152/2006;
  • building offences pursuant to Presidential Decree 380/2001;
  • offences committed in violation of accident prevention regulations pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/2008

Judicial assistance is accompanied by out-of-court consultancy as well as the activity of compiling and updating models of organisation and control pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, which is fundamental for the exoneration of liability of the respective organisation involved in criminal proceedings.

The Department’s professionals also offer in-depth knowledge of criminal procedural law, which makes it possible to guarantee seamless management of the issues that may arise in criminal proceedings on each occasion.

Collaboration with other Departments (in particular, tax and corporate) facilitates a multi-disciplinary approach to this area and also permits an in-depth study of the criminal aspects of corporate transactions and/or tax disputes.

Administrative Law


For its clients – physical persons, private companies and public organisations – Adamo & Partners provides out-of-court consultancy services as well as legal assistance before the institutions of administrative justice, in all areas of regulated activities subject to public law.

More specifically, the Department provides out-of-court advice and legal assistance before national and European courts in the following areas:

  • environment;
  • public procurement contracts;
  • construction, town planning, landscape protection;
  • agri-food law;
  • health and pharmaceutical law;
  • public financing, development funds and European assistance programmes;
  • project financing per la realizzazione di opere pubbliche;
  • public utilities;

This Department can work with the Firm’s other divisions, in order to offer integrated and multidisciplinary assistance in cross-border issues.

Environmental and Energy Law


The Firm has also developed a significant heritage of experience in the specific field of energy law, and it is able to provide assistance with a high level of specialisation and an integrated approach in this rapidly-developing market, with expertise covering the following activities:

  • drafting and negotiating tender contracts for the construction of power generation plants (for example, photovoltaic plants, biogas plants);
  • EPC contracts – Energy Performance Contracts;
  • O&M contracts – Operation & Maintenance;
  • Management Services contracts.
  • advice and assistance on excise duties.

Bankruptcy Law, Insolvency procedures and Business Crisis Management


The Adamo & Partners law firm has acquired consolidated expertise in bankruptcy and in all areas of insolvency law.

With its decades of experience, the firm provides advice and support, both in and out of court, in the area of corporate crisis, negotiation of debt restructuring agreements, distressed investments and special opportunities, assisting clients in the various stages of bankruptcy proceedings, composition with creditors and bankruptcy, debt restructuring, certified restructuring plans and over-indebtedness proceedings.

More specifically, a specific Department at the Law Firm provides support for:

  • companies undergoing negative events, in the various stages of the business crisis and in accessing bankruptcy and/or insolvency proceedings in general (such as preventive and bankruptcy arrangements and debt restructuring agreements);
  • the protection of credit positions for clients in the various bankruptcy and/or insolvency proceedings and, therefore, in the context of proceedings for the filing of claims, actions to oppose the state of liabilities, as well as assistance in revocation and/or compensation actions brought by bankruptcy proceedings;
  • the entities involved in bankruptcy and/or insolvency proceedings in active and passive litigation, as well as in the management of the various issues of the proceedings, from time to time pending, dealing with matters including but not limited to the liquidation of assets, revocatory actions, oppositions to the state of liabilities and any other litigation concerning insolvency matters in general.

Real Estate Law


The Firm, with the aid of a dedicated team – specialised in town planning law and with extensive knowledge of land governance, construction and real estate market issues – assists its clients, operating in the real estate sector, in real estate transactions of various kinds, including town planning development projects and real estate valorisation.

The Firm also provides contractual advice in the real estate sector, assisting its clients in drafting and negotiating, inter alia, sale and purchase agreements, leases, rent to buy, etc.

Acquisition of Impaired Loans

The Firm assists its clients in the acquisition of impaired loans (so-called NPLs), aimed at the acquisition of real estate, including real estate pledged as collateral for such loans, both out-of-court and in bankruptcy and real estate enforcement proceedings.

Civil Law

The firm offers assistance, both out-of-court and in court, in the various areas of civil law, with particular reference to contract law, family law, inheritance law, contractual and non-contractual liability, as well as the enforcement of real and credit rights.

Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

The Firm has consolidated experience in assisting its clients in pre-litigation and litigation, before judicial authorities at all levels, as well as in national and international arbitrations.

The Firm also assists its clients in the case of the use, whether mandatory or optional, of alternative dispute resolution tools (so-called ADR), with particular regard to the institutes of conciliation, mediation and assisted negotiation.

The activity of representation and defence concerns all the sectors in which the Firm carries out its activities and, therefore, may comprise, by way of example, disputes in the following areas:

  • corporate and commercial law; 
  • banking law and financial intermediation; 
  • tender contracts; 
  • compensation for damages; 
  • inheritance relations;
  • debt collection.